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ABCs Of Social Studies

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  • America
  • The 13 original colonies made America
Photo by Ian Sane


  • Bunker hill
  • Bunker hill was fought June 17 , 1775
Photo by Marion Doss

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  • Civil war
  • The American Civil War was an international conflict fought in the United States
Photo by fdbryant3

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  • Due process
  • A citizens right to fair treatment through the judicial system

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  • Executive branch
  • The branch of government that carries out the laws

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  • Ferdinand Magellan
  • Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer that organize the Spanish
Photo by kevin dooley

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  • George Washington
  • First president was trusted to not used to much power
Photo by Great Beyond

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  • Hernado de Soto
  • He was a Spanish explorer Who led the first European expedition
Photo by Farther Along

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  • Independence
  • Independence is a condition of A nation, country, or state
Photo by aherrero

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  • Judicial branch
  • The branch of government that interprets the laws
Photo by Ken Lund

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  • King George the third
  • King of England
Photo by Leshaines123

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  • Legislative branch
  • Makes the laws
Photo by cliff1066™

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  • Miss Molly pitcher
  • A lady that pitched water for men
Photo by Marion Doss

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  • Native Americans
  • The first people to live in America before the explorers

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  • Olive branch petition
  • To avoid a full on war between the 13 colonies and Great Britain
Photo by RoCam

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  • Pikes Peak
  • Pikes peak is a mountain that Zebulon pike discovered but never claimed
Photo by glowingz

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  • Quarter
  • To give food and shelter to
Photo by ell brown

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  • Reapel
  • To cancel something
Photo by taberandrew

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  • Sacajawea
  • She helped guide the Lewis and Clark expedition.
Photo by p medved

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  • Triangular trade route
  • A trade lute between Asia Africa and Europe

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  • U.S. Army
  • A large organized body of personal trained for war

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  • Valley forge
  • Valley for was a military camp 18 miles northwest of Philadelphia
Photo by roger4336

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  • War of 1812
  • Conflict between the United States and Britain

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  • eXport
  • A product sent from one country to another

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  • York Town
  • Last battle of the Revolutionary war
Photo by The U.S. Army

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  • Zebulon Pike
  • Us soldier and explorer
Photo by SLV Native