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Published on Aug 09, 2016

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Pathfinder Honor
Photo by Nina Stawski

What Bible verse talks about the day mammals were created?

Genesis 1:24, 25, 31

God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: cattle, creeping things, and wild animals, each according to its kind.” It was so/God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the cattle according to their kinds, and all the creatures that creep along the ground according to their kinds. God saw that it was good.

Photo by monkeyc.net

God saw all that he had made—and it was very good! There was evening, and there was morning, the sixth day.

Photo by monkeyc.net

What are 4 characteristics of a mammal?

Photo by Tomi Tapio

Untitled Slide

  • hair or fur
  • mammary glands
  • vertebrates
  • endothermic (warm-blooded)
Photo by Tomi Tapio


  • Marsupialia
  • Insectivora
  • Chiroptera
  • Carnivora
  • Pinnipedia
  • Rodentia
  • Lagomorphia
  • Artiodactyla
  • Sirenia
  • Cetacea


  • Sirenia
  • Cetacea


Photo by pjoh


  • They have a pouch that protects the young
  • When born, the baby crawls out of the womb and across the mother's belly to the pouch
Photo by pjoh


Photo by Mollivan Jon


  • They eat insects!!
  • Keep in mind that after time, this order has branched out and has been replaced by two other orders: Erinaceomorpha and Soricomorpha
Photo by Mollivan Jon


Photo by mgjefferies


  • This group is commonly known as "bats"
  • there are two kinds of bats: Microbats and Megabats
  • Despite the name, not all megabats are larger than microbats
Photo by mgjefferies

Mirco vs Mega

  • mircobats use echolocation, megabats don't
  • microbats do not have the claw at the second toe of forelimb
Photo by mmariomm



  • most animals in this group are great hunters, with canine teeth, great eyesight, sense of smell, and well-developed brain
  • there are animals in this group that do not eat meat such as pandas, and bears have a diet higher in berries than in meat
  • this is not the only group that are carnivores



  • this is no longer considered a major group. It is now a superfamily of Carnivora
  • This group consists of carnivorous aquatic animals such as walruses and seals


  • Rodents have 2 incisors in both their upper and lower jaws that continue to grow and is "tamed" by gnawing
  • In fact, the word "rodent" comes from the word "rodere" is latin for "to gnaw"


Photo by C. P. Ewing


  • Lagomorphs differ from rodents because they have 4 incisors instead of 2
  • they are herbivores (rodents are omnivores)
  • they redigest first-time droppings to get the most out of their plant diet (never let a rabbit lick you :P)
Photo by C. P. Ewing


Photo by Baron Reznik


  • these are mammals with hooves
Photo by Baron Reznik



  • slow-moving aquatic mammals that are also herbivores
  • they are named after the Sirens from the legend of Odysseus because sailors have been known to mistake manatees as mermaids


Photo by rbglasson


  • this group refers to other aquatic animals such as dolphins, whales, and porpoises
  • the word "cetacea" comes from the word "cetus" meaning "large sea animal"
Photo by rbglasson

How are mammals beneficial?

Photo by cloud_nine

What can mammals do that are harmful?

Photo by Sheila Ryan

Name at least 4 mammals that are COMPLETELY aquatic

Photo by Paruula

What is the largest mammal in the world?

Photo by Carlos Gracia

The Blue Whale


Photo by lamsongf

What Bible verse gives the day mammals were created?

  • Genesis 3: 24, 25, 31
  • Genesis 1: 20-23
  • Genesis 1: 24, 25, 31
  • Genesis 2: 1-3

Which is NOT a characteristic of a mammal?

  • Hair/Fur
  • Ectothermic
  • Mammary Glands
  • Vertebrates

Which is no longer considered an order?

  • Lagomorpha
  • Rodentia
  • Sirenia
  • Pinnipedia

Name one benefit and one harmful trait

  • Bats eat dogs
  • Rats carry disease
  • Meerkats eat scorpions
  • Cats help the blind

Which is not an aquatic mammal?

  • Whale
  • Dolphin
  • Catfish
  • Manatee

What is the largest mammal in the world?

  • Blue Whale
  • African Elephant
  • Killer Whale
  • Giraffe
Photo by digitalART2