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Ken Robinson

Published on Nov 28, 2015

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Ken Robinson

  • Sir Ken Robinson,PHD
  • Internationally recognized leader in development of creativity,innovation and human resource
  • He taught twelve years as a professor of Education at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom
  • Has honorary degrees from Open University,the Central School of Speech and Drama,Birhingham City University,Rhode Island School of Design
  • In 2005 he was named as one of Time/Fortune/CNN's Pricipal Voices
  • In 2003, he received a knighthood for Queen Elizabeth II for his services to the arts.


  • The human intelligence is much richer than we have been led to believe by industrial/academic education
  • Human intelligence includes and goes well beyond conventional conceptions of academic ability and IQ
  • "There is a vitality , a life-force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost" -Martha Graham
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Knowing Your Mind

  • Intelligence is not only diverse:it is highly dynamic
  • Modern reserach shows that the capacities of the brain are much more complex and dynamic than initial theories suggested.
  • Technical studies show the during brain scanning can track the patterns of electrical activities and blow flow in the brain during different activities and have shed new light at two levels on how the brain works.
  • Both areas of research suggest three crucial themes for understanding creativity. They are that human intellegence is highly diverse,dynamic and distinct.
Photo by illuminaut


  • "As children grow, their brains are customized around the uses they make of do not make of them"
  • Research suggests that the relationships between speech, songs and music are very strong in the process of learning speech.
  • This creativity of the brain can ignite innovation in acdemics
  • "Now more than ever, human communities depend on a diversity of talents not on a sigular conception of ability"

What makes us Unique

  • Our creativity make us unique but the educational system do not provide enough stability for students
  • If we fail to promote a full sense of people's abilities through educations and training, some ,perhaps most, will never discover what, their real capacities are.To that extent they do not really know who they are or what they might become.
  • "In one respect at least, human beings are radically different from the rest of life on earth. We have the ability to image. As a result we have unlimited powers of creativity

The Trouble with Education

  • Educational systems are throught the world are being reformed
  • Reforms are created to improving the existing system
  • Educational system wants to raise standards and give educational access to everyone
  • Education is not an impartial process of develoing people's natural abilities
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Imagination,Creativity and Innovation

  • Imagination is the source of our creativity
  • A bright mind can create
  • Imagination is the primary gift of human consciousness
  • With our imagination we can step out of the present
  • Imagination liberates us from our immediate circumstances and holds the constant possibility of transforming the future
  • Creativity is doing something and it is a step futher than imagination
  • Creativity involves putting your imagination to work
  • Innovation is applied creativity
  • To use all three can beneficial
Photo by wbeem

Future of Education

  • According to UNESCO ,the number of people gaining formal educational qualifications in the next 30 years will exceed the gross total since the beginning of history. As a result, the market value of degree is tumbling. Something more is needed to edge ahead of the crowd. Jobs that used to require only a first degree are now asking for masters' degress, or even a doctorates.
Photo by Ameel Khan