"Government arsenal to use laser marking machines for ammos"
Who: Philippine Government arsenal
What: The Philippines Government arsenal wants to use laser marking machines for ammo
When: September 28
Where: Manila, Philippines
How: The Philippine government arsenal is planning to acquire laser marking machines.
Why: To be able to distinguish every round of small armed ammunition they have produced.
Who: The US Senate and Obama
What: The Senate overrode Obama’s veto on the 9/11 bill, which would allow the families of the victims of 9/11 to sue Saudi Arabia for any role in the plot. This is the first time this has been done in Obama’s presidency.
When:September 28
Where: Washington, DC
How: The Senate voted 97-1 in favor of the bill.
Why: To be able to sue Saudi Arabia if there is any evidence that shows they are legally liable for the 9/11 attacks.