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Photo by garlandcannon

In class, we were studying myths and reading many examples of them. Daedalus and Icarus, Theseus and the Minotaur, and The Story of Narcissus were only a few of the myths we closely read.

After we got familiar with the form of myths, the class took notes on what you would find in a regular myth.

Photo by RLHyde

Some examples included:
- death usually occurs
-men are the heroes
-love interest

Next, Mrs. French assigned us to type and come up with our own myths on Google Classroom, an app on our iPads where teachers can post any task they want their students to complete.

Once everyone turned in their myths, using oil pastels, we drew and colored our favorite scene in our writing. Then, we water colored over the drawings to finally complete our project.

Why did we do this?

The purpose of this project was to show our understanding of myths. When we came up with myths of our own, it showed that we truly knew the format of this type of writing.