ELL Strategies & Technology
Scaffolding English Writing
Writing Challenges for ELLs:
- The mechanics of writing
- English proficiency
- Content knowledge (Sousa, 2011, p. 92)
Teachers must provide:
- Scaffolding
- Modeling
- Monitoring
- Encouragement
Modeled Writing
- Provides the beginning English student with a demonstration that shows how English sounds are represented by symbols. (Herrell & Jordan, 2012, p. 89)
Language Experience
- Involve the teacher modeling the writing process, but in this format, the students provide some input into what the teacher writes. (Herrell & Jordan, 2012, p. 90)
Shared Writing
- Students begin to share in the decision-making process, althought teacher is still doing all of the writing. (Herrell & Jordan, 2012, p. 93)
Interactive Writing
- Students ready to do some writing.
- Teacher leads students through a sequence of steps. (Herrell & Jordan, 2012, p. 93)
Adjusting Task According Students' Needs
- "Each of the writing development approaches can be adapted to the levels and needs of individual students" (Herrell & Jordan, 2012, p. 94).
"Gives students support through the stages of creating a written product" (Herrell & Jordan, 2012, p. 95) .
Steps in the Writing Process
- Prewriting
- Drafting
- Conferring
- Revising
- Editing
- Publishing
- Celebrating
- Google Docs
- Interactive
- Peer editing & comments
- Teacher feedback
Other Forms of Technology
- Classroom Blogs
- Virtual journals
Supporting ELLs in all subject areas
- Science
- Scaffolding Lab Write-ups
- Modify for levels of ELLs
- Sentence Starters
- Highlight Key Academic Vocab.
"English learners can succeed in learning to write in English when their teachers provide the support they need" (Herrell & Jordan, 2012, p. 99). ..