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Guatemalan Christmas

Published on Dec 07, 2015

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Guatemalan Christmas

By: Brianna Sanguinet

Weather During the Holidays

  • The weather in Guatemala is either dry with springlike temperatures, or really cold to where you can't feel anything on your body.
  • Whenever it feels perfects outside, all the Guatemalan children gather around and play games.
Photo by amslerPIX


  • When Christmas time comes around, the Guatemalans gather around and eat a huge feast.
  • Some of the foods in this feast include, hot tamales, Ponche (punch served hot), turkey, chicken and bun'uels.
Photo by josewolff


  • Whenever Christmas time comes, the decorations are very important.
  • Unless something goes wrong, the Guatemalans will always celebrate christmas.
Photo by amslerPIX

Christmas Time

  • When Christmas time comes, the Guatemalans are very excited.
  • As the Guatemalan children are sleeping, the wise men fill their shoes with candy and toys.
Photo by kicki22


  • Before Christmas, the Guatemalans have a lot of other Christmas traditions.
  • Because the guatemalans celebrate christmas differently, all their traditions are going to be different.


  • Whenever the holidays come around, the guatemalans like to greet their guest.
  • Some of the greetings that they say are, "happy Nativity" or they sing Feliz Naidad.
Photo by Kalense Kid