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German: am Morgen- in the Morning

Austrian: in der Früh- in the morning

German: die Aprikose- the apricot

Austrian: die Marille- the apricot

German: bisschen- a little bit

Austria: bisserl- a little bit

German: der Blumenkohl- the cauliflower

Austria: der karfiol- the cauliflower

German: Der Bonbon- candy

Austria: das Zuckerl- candy

Photo by Kay Gaensler

German- Das Brötchen: the bread bun

Austria- Semmel- the bread bun

Photo by Dave77459

German: die Brotzeit- the sandwiches

Austria:die Jause- the sandwiches

Photo by nurpax

German:das Büro- the office

Austria: die Kanzlei- the office

German- dieses Jahr: this year

Austria- heuer: this year

Photo by Caro's Lines

German: der Februaur- of February

Austria: der Feber- of February

German: der Geldautomat- the ATM

Austria: der Bankomat- the ATM

Photo by craig1black

German: gucken- look

Austria: schauen- look

Photo by kevin dooley

German: der Pilz- the mushroom

Austria: das Schwammer- the mushroom

Photo by Dr. RawheaD

German: der Quark- sweet cream cheese

Austria: der Topfen- sweet cream cheese

Photo by iateapie

German: die Schlagsahne- the whipped cream

Austria: das obers- the whipped cream

Photo by ginnerobot

German:der Schornstein- the chimney
Austria: der Rauchfang- the chimney

German: die Tomate- the tomato
Austria: der Paradeiser- the tomato

German- das Trikot- the jersey
Austria: das Leibchen- the jersey

Photo by jon.hayes

German: der Trottel- the Idiot
Austria: der Depp- the idiot

Photo by electropod

German: das T-shirt- the t-shirt
Austria: das Leibchen- the t-shirt

Photo by geishaboy500

German: der Umschlang- the envelope
Austria: das Kuvert- the envelope

Photo by Leo Reynolds

German: das Hackfleisch- the ground beef
Austria: das Faschierte- the ground beef

German: der Januar- the January
Austria: der Jänner- the January

Photo by angela7dreams

German: die Johannisbeere- the currant
Austria: die Ribisel- the currant

Photo by shioshvili

German: die Kartoffel- the potato
Austria: der Erdapfel- the potato

Photo by Great Beyond

German: das Krankenhaus- the hospital
Austria: das Spital- the hospital

Photo by WarzauWynn

German: die Landpolizei- the civil guard
Austria: die Gendarmerie- the civil guard

Photo by włodi

German: der Mais- the corn
Austria: der Kukuruz- the corn

German: die Mücke- the mosquito
Austria: die Gelse- the mosquito

Photo by andylangager

German: die Stechmücke- the mosquito
Austria: die Gelse- the mosquito

Photo by wiwin.wr

German: nicht wahr? - not true?
Austria: gell? - not true?

Photo by carnagenyc

German: der Pfannkuchen- the pancake
Austria: der Berliner- the pancake

Photo by Dvortygirl

German: die Pflaume- the plum
Austria: die Zwetschge- the plum

Photo by Francis Storr