Published on Jan 27, 2020

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to writing a rhetorical analysis

Step 1: Select an Argument

Untitled Slide

  • Select one of the options listed in the instructions.

Step 2: Analyze the Context

Who is the author?

  • Through research in the library or online, learn all you can about the author of the argument.

Who is the author?

  • How does the argument you are analyzing repeat arguments previously made by this author?

Who is the author?

  • Does the author borrow arguments and concepts from previous pieces he or she has written?

Who is the author?

  • What motivated the author to write?

Who is the author?

  • What is the author's purpose?

Who is the audience?

  • Through research, learn all you can about the place where the argument appeared and the audience.

Who is the audience?

  • Who is the anticipated audience?

Who is the audience?

  • How do the occasion and forum for writing affect the argument?

Who is the audience?

  • How would the argument have been written differently if it had appeared elsewhere?

Who is the audience?

  • What motivated the newspaper or magazine (or other venue) to publish it?

What is the larger conversation?

  • Through research, find out what else was being said about the subject of your selection.

What is the larger conversation?

  • When did the argument appear?

What is the larger conversation?

  • Why did it get published at that particular moment?

What is the larger conversation?

  • What other concurrent pieces of "cultural conversation" does the text you are analyzing respond to or answer?

What is the larger conversation?

  • Cultural conversation:
  • TV Shows
  • Other articles
  • Speeches

Step 3: Analyze the Text

Erin Stephens

Haiku Deck Pro User