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Dark Queen_(1)

Published on Jun 02, 2024

I took it and tweaked and edited it a little but it's not mine.

It’s dark, I can’t see anything. My eyes are covered with something. I start to panic. I can’t move my arms or leg. They’re tied to the bed I lying on. I feel a cool breeze on my body. My mind panics! I’m naked! What’s happening? What’s going on? I ask myself. I struggle to get myself untied. I pull and pull but the ties only tighten around my wrists and ankles. I scream for help but it’s useless. No one is there. I hear a sound. What is it? I wonder. Then he speaks,

"Relax, little one."

"Who’s there? What’s going on? Why am I here?" I scream out. But there’s no answer. 
"Please, talk to me." I beg. But still, there is silence.
"My name is Cyn Dubrinsky and my family will be looking for me." I threaten. I start to cry. I beg to him. 
"Please release me. I haven’t seen your face. I won’t say anything to anyone just let me go." He breaks his silence and tells me, 
"I know who you are. None of what you say matters for in the end, you will be mine." I struggle with the ties again; screaming,
 "Let me go!" 
"Screaming will do you no good, little one. The room is sound proof. As for anyone looking for you, I know that no one will come for you. For you are the last of your clan." I cry some more then feel his fingers wiping away my tears. I turn my head away.
"Don’t touch me! I will never be yours!" 
"Yes you will. And as far as who I am, my name is Mick. I’m a vampire and …your lifemate." There is a subtle evil tone to his voice and I can tell he’s smiling.
"Fighting me will not solve anything. It will only make things harder for you." I ask, 
"Why? Why me? What do you want with me?"
"I’ve been hunting you, following your every move; day after day." He trails his finger down my face towards my neck.
"So soft. You’re like the finest silk." I struggle again.
"Please don’t touch me. You don’t want me." He laughs and says,
"Yes. I do want you You are the one I have been searching for; the one that will make me whole again."
"Whole? What are you talking about, you monster?"
"I have searched for the one. You are she. You are from the past lineage of the Dubrinsky clan; you carry their blood and their powers."	
"What powers?" I ask.
"I have no powers. Yes, my last name is Dubrinsky but I have no powers." 
"Innocent one, your powers were bound at infancy to keep you safe. But I have known where you were all along. You come from a long line of vampires; your lineage is considered a royal one. Your powers and heritage have been kept from you, but no more! 
"No! It’s not possible!" I shout. 
"I am not a vampire!" But then I start to think of all the transfusions I’ve had with the excuse of "blood related issues inherited from my family." I felt his hand caress my breast and his finger trace my nipple and I cringe not wanting to respond to his touch. He laughs once more.
 "It’s useless to deny what you’re feeling. I know that your body wants my touch and that you are craving something that has always been denied to you…the joy of feeding."
My thoughts are not my own anymore, I believe him but fight it at the same time. He lets his finger trace my nipple once more before I feel the wetness of his tongue. I fight the feeling to respond but hhe reads my thoughts and pulls it into his mouth. I gasp as he sucks on my nipple and lets his other hand caress my other breast. My body begins to betray me and I respond to his touch. I moan as he continues and beg you,
 "Stop. Please, stop." But we both know that my body is crying for more. Then it happens, I feel him scrape his teeth just above my breast. It feels sharper than anything I have felt before. Pain shoots through as I feel you sink your teeth into me. It’s some of the worst pain I’ve ever felt but at the same time a wave of pleasure washes over me. I realize that he is what he says he is. I feel him drinking from me. As he feeds on me I feel this need; this want. I must have him. 
My body and senses are telling me to just let go and give into you but I still choose to fight you. You whisper in my ear, 
"Let go. Be mine for eternity." I feel his fingers trace my nether lips, up & down; letting one slide in to explore my pussy. I feel your cock on my thigh and it feels so hard and I sense the heat coming from it, I begin to ache. I hear your voice again,
 "Give in to me." I finally relent and give in. I whisper back to you,
"Yes, I will be yours." You pull off my blindfold and you are smiling, it is the first time seeing you and you are beautiful. I take in your appearance. He has dark long hair tied at the base of your neck, eyes that are a kaleidoscope of colors, skin that is almost translucent, and his body is perfectly chiseled. I say to him,
"You are perfect in every way."
"As are you." You begin to kiss me tenderly. As he does he went on to explain of my lineage and heritage. 
"Your family, your clan, comes from a most royal line of vampires that ruled over the Carpathians for centuries." He walks around the bed releasing my wrists and ankles. I rub them gently. When done you slide in next to me and your cock is again by my thigh. You begin to kiss my body as you continue on as to the history of my clan. 
"We have powers, we can see the future, read people’s minds, we can shape-shift, and we can manipulate others to do our bidding. We can also erase the memories of others." 
"I still don’t believe I have powers." He laughs. 
"My silly, innocent, love. You do have them and I will help you regain them, I will undo the binding curse that was put upon you. You will take your rightful place as Queen of the Carpathians and I will be your King." I question you, 
"Is that all you want of me?" He shakes his head.
"No, I want more.
"What more could you possibly want?" He stares at me for a moment; a lonely and sad look on his face.
"I want love." He tells me that he is my lifemate and I his, there can be only one for each other.
"My little one, when a Carpathian male turns 18 years of age, all color and emotions disappear from him. His life is not his own, he becomes a warrior for our king and so his life is a constant battle not only for his king but for himself. If he does not find his lifemate then the choice is his to be hunted by fellow warriors or end his existence by walking into the light, the sun."
 "Why must he be hunted?" I ask. 
"Males will turn into something horrific that will terrorize the human world. When a male has found his mate all color returns to him as well emotions and so the danger of him turning into a monster lessens. Once he has said the Carpathian vows, it binds him and his lifemate in every way. They feel everything about each other… when they are hurt, when they are in need, when they are in danger. If death comes to one of them the other will no longer want to live, they would miss their other half too much. They are connected to each other as no normal human couples are connected. She becomes the light to his darkness, almost as an anchor to keep him from turning into a monster. You are that for me my little innocent one, but there is more still. In order to complete the union we must exchange blood three times to solidify our mating."
As he says that I watch in awe as his fingernail begins to extend and he cuts himself on his chest. His hand grabs my head gently and you lead me to your chest and tell me 
"Drink." I’m mesmerized. I lick a droplet then begin to suck and drink your blood; I listen to your voice as you say the vows but not in a language that I understand. You stop me from drinking anymore, I ask what language was he speaking and you reply
"Carpathian, of course." He smiles. You kiss me and I wrap my arms around your neck to pull you in deeper for a more passionate kiss. You begin to move so you are now in between my legs, I stop you,
"I’m still a virgin." He smiles once more and tells me,
 "I know". He slides down my body to my pussy and without saying anything he begins to explore and feast on my nether lips. I’m squirming as I feel his tongue in me as well as his fingers. He slides back up and as he does he hooks my legs with his arms and slowly enters me. Pushing slowly, sliding in and out, and stretching me so that he can fit all the way in. I arch my back and cry out, as he has broken that precious barrier. And as he do, he licks my neck and sinks his teeth into me. My eyes shoot open and all I see and feel is white heat lightning, it’s coursing through my body and I see it in my mind. He’s drinking from me and making love to me at the same time and it’s…incredible, I don’t want it to ever end. He leans back and cuts himself once more. I need no invitation this time. I kiss, then lick and suck him as the feeling of him fucking me while I feed off him drives me wild.

We begin to fuck in a frenzied state, not getting enough of one another. He pulls out and I feel the loss of your cock in my pussy. I whimper but only to have him turn me over and slam into my pussy from behind. He pulls me up towards his back and grabs my breast in one hand and fingers my clit with the other. All the while I am pushing back, meeting him with each thrust into my pussy. He feels my climax coming on, so he bends me back over and grabs me by my hips to thrust and push in harder and deeper. I scream out,
 "MICK!!!!" as I cum and it takes him over the edge you let forth your load. His cum shoots into my pussy and drowns it as it drips out of my pussy. We lay there intertwined with one another, I’m searching for my breath and he’s content now that our union is almost complete. He tells me that we only need one more blood exchange but warns me that soon after my body will begin to change.
"You will begin to accept the Carpathian in you and so my body will change from human to true blood Carpathian. It will be violent. It will be painful. You’ll want to kill yourself. But you’ll have to deal with it because when it finally ends, you’ll be the queen you were born to be." 
We look into each other’s eyes and the want for each other is there once more. We begin again but this time gentler for he knows I am sore. Our kissing begins, I leave feathery, almost butterfly, kisses all over your face then down your neck and chest. I explore your body wanting to kiss, lick, and caress every inch of you. Then I reach your cock. I look at it in wonder. It’s big and thick. I start to lick it and you direct me as to how to pleasure your cock. I taste it. I taste the saltiness on the head of your cock. It makes my body tremble with want. 
He guides my head closer and tells me to take his cock into my mouth. It’s so thick and big but I do it anyway. He slowly begins to fuck my mouth. In and out while I look at you with eyes of lust and passion. He turns so that he’s lying down then pulls me so that I am on top, he tells me to continue sucking his cock. I feel his tongue delve into my pussy and also his fingers. He’s fucking me with your fingers and sucking my clit. Faster and faster, the friction on my clit is overwhelming. It makes me suck you faster also, I feel like my cum’s ready to explode. You feel it too so you work harder. I cum and as I do he bites my clit.

"The purest blood," He explains. I scream from pleasure and pain. He cums hard as you continue to feast on my blood then you cut yourself as close as you can near your cock so that I may swallow your cum then drink your blood. The ground shakes. We have completed our union and so the dark world is accepting the new line of succession. I begin to feel weak. He grabs me and lays me back on the bed. "This is the first step. Your body is going to shut everything down; except your nervous system. This will be painful. But I’ll be by your side the whole time." He gives me a kiss. "Mick?" "Yes, little one?" "I love you." And I collapse in his arms. How long did the pain last? Hours? Weeks? Days? It seemed like eternity to me. But eventually, it began to subside. Finally, I heard Mick’s voice. "Little one, it’s time to wake up."

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:







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