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San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

Published on Mar 22, 2016

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San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

Grace Werner
Photo by RadioNicole


  • Felt from Oregon to Los Angeles and as far inland as Nevada- 200,000 miles
  • Pacific plate and North American plate


  • One of the worst disasters in US history
  • Fires lasted for 4 days- main damage
  • $400 million in property losses- 200,000 people lost their homes
  • 3,000 people died and 80% of city destroyed
  • Abundance of scientific knowledge were learned from it

Geologic Formation

  • Caused by the subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the North American
  • San Andreas Fault marks boundary between Pacific and North American plates- causes earthquakes
  • Epicenter of earthquake was near San Francisco Bay


  • very sudden earthquake that lasted for about a minute
  • had a magnitude of 7.8 and an intensity of XI or Extreme

Destructive Force

  • Ruptured the San Andreas Fault for about 296 miles
  • Destroyed many land forms and big loss of life