Comic Books

Published on Aug 31, 2018

No Description


Comic Books

Photo by mauren veras

Telling Stories with Pictures

  • Cave Paintings
  • Hieroglyphics
  • Bayeaux Tapestry
Photo by Gruban

Brief History

  • The phrase Comic Book First Appeared in 1897
  • "The Yellow Kid in McFadden's Flats"
  • Inexpensive to produce
  • This was the Platinum Age of Comics
Photo by jbcurio

The Golden Age of Comics

Photo by jamacdonald

June 1938

  • Action Comics #1
  • Superman First Appearance
  • Idea of Two Teenagers from Cleveland, Ohio
  • Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster
  • But why was he so popular?


  • America was a nation of immigrants
  • Searching for the American Dream
  • Superman was the ultimate immigrant
  • He was separated from his parents and -- a feeling of adventure and uncertainty!
Photo by jcsizmadi

Superheroes and Patriotism

  • What was happening in the world at this time?
  • World War 2-
  • Hitler, Nazis, the Axis Powers - oh my!
  • 1939-1945

Patriotism and Propaganda

  • America was at war
  • Comic Books and Superheroes helped fuel Patriotism
  • 44% of soldiers were believed to be comic book readers

Reflection of the times

  • Good vs Evil
  • Right over wrong

The Atomic Age

Photo by Vince_Lamb

Science Fiction and Horror Comics


The Silver Age

1956-around 1970

Untitled Slide

Timely Comics

DC Comics

  • Detective Comics

Untitled Slide

Untitled Slide

John Coody

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