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Legislative Branch

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Legislative: Having the power to make laws.

Federal law: A body of law at the highest or national level of a federal government.

Bicameral: having two branches or chambers.

District: an area of a country or city, especially one regarded as a distinct unit because of a particular characteristic.

Speaker of the house: The presiding officer of the United States House of Representatives. The Speaker, a member of the House, is elected by a majority party caucus.

Majority leader: the head of the majority party in a legislative body, especially the US Senate or House of Representatives.

Minority leader

Caucus: a meeting at which local members of a political party register their preference among candidates running for office or select delegates to attend a convention.

Standing committee: a permanent committee that meets regularly.

Constituents: A member of a constituency.

Representative: Consisting of people chosen to act and speak on behalf of a wider group.

Trustee: an individual person or member of a board given control or powers of administration of property in trust with a legal obligation to administer it solely for the purposes specified.
