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Lake Toba Supervolcano

Published on Mar 22, 2016

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Lake Toba Supervolcano

Photo by buzz_lines

Location and History

  • North Sumatra - Indonesia
  • Site of a huge super volcano, happened 74,000 years ago
  • Largest known eruption in the last 25 million years
  • 1 of 6 super volcanoes in the world
  • In the past month there has been recent activity of hot steam & foul smelling gas
Photo by riezky.n

Geologic Features/Formation

  • 100 kilometers long, 30 kilometers wide, and 505 kilometers deep
  • Palau Samosir - island in the middle of Lake Tob
  • Caused by a huge super volcano eruption
Photo by riezky.n

Catastrophism/ Uniformitarianism

  • Catastrophism is where earth has been effected by invents in the past.
  • Lake Toba is catastrophism because a volcanic eruption is catastrophic


  • Lake Toba is constructive and destructive
  • It is constructive because they create new land
  • It is destructive because it can destroy plants, animals, building, and humans