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Quote from resource that points to a church's priorities

What is a believer to do?

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What is a Believer

To be doing?
Quote from resource that points to a church's priorities

1 Timothy 4:9-16

What's a Jesus follower to do?

1. Talk about Jesus

Your Savior
March 16th baptism



The message of salvation through Jesus

Our Goal

for this reason
We pour ourselves into
Photo by Dave Dugdale

Our Work

labor till exhausted
Sweating athlete

Laborer toiling in the sun

Toil till we are worn out

Sharing the gospel is work......
Photo by babyfacecrew

Our Identity

They talk about Jesus and are ridiculed for it
Called names

Made fun of

Belittled as suffering from phobias of all kinds

Insulted as ignorant, small minded, afraid of science

Bigoted because we believe in God's plan for structuring relationships
Photo by global.quiz


my faith is indeed public

Our Hope

Is in God
Where does my help come from
Photo by n0nick

The Living God

not a dead one
Psalm about idols

Jeremiah about idols
Photo by hoyasmeg

My faith is certainly personal but far
from private

Recent Twitter feed

Jesus was crucified where everyone could see

2. Find Your Niche

in the kingdom
Photo by ninepennies

Young or old

Apparently some took advantage of Timothy because he was young and uncertain at times.....?
Photo by JasonTromm


Your personal example in public
Example, mold, prototype for others to imitate, that leaves an impression long after you are gone

(Illus. from 3DM in giving access to your life....a life worth imitating)

In what you say........words you use.....to the believers
Photo by DonkeyHotey


In what you say
Photo by tim caynes

In how you live

As you move through the streets of life
You have a unique story to tell that is all you
Photo by Ed Yourdon


Your personal example in private
Example, mold, prototype for others to imitate, that leaves an impression long after you are gone

(Illus. from 3DM in giving access to your life....a life worth imitating)

In what you say........words you use.....to the believers
Photo by DonkeyHotey

Love of others

Attitude of your heart reflects Jesus


Who do I trust......really
Live life with God's perspective.....
Photo by hpebley3


Unstained from the temptations of life
How do you do that?

Can you show me how?

Will you show me how?

Your niche is determined by your uniqueness found in your example and......

Purity quote?

Group Activities

Priorities for church groups
Photo by CraigMarston


the Bible
Photo by zAppledot


from the Bible
Photo by zAppledot

Learn the doctrines

of the Bible
Photo by zAppledot

Spiritual gifts

Identify and deploy
Watch for spiritual gift training in spring
Photo by Aine D

3. Play to your strengths

Photo by RLHyde

Think about it

give this some thought
Photo by theqspeaks


On your unique strengths
Photo by Rob 'n' Rae

Pay attention

To "the teaching"
Photo by gerlos

Eternal progress

will be the result
Save yourselves

Save others who follow you as you follow Christ

Put Paul's quote here
Photo by Peter Mooney

What's a Believer to do?

  • Talk about your Savior
  • Find your niche
  • Play to your strengths
Tell your story.today

Jump in

Think about what you are good at and go for it

Michael Cadrette

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