- Trapezius
- Scalene
- Sternocleidomastoid
- Levator scapulae
- Splenius
Trapezius - tilt and turn neck, also keeping neck upright
Origin: External occipital protuberance (posterior bottom of skull)
Insertion: clavicle
Scalene - anterior and posterior, anterior is flexing the head to the front side, posterior is flexing the head to back.
Origin: cervicle vertebrae
Insertion: 1st and 2nd ribs
Sternocleidomastoid - when acting alone, it rotates the head, and when acting with other muscles, it flexes the head to the sides.
Origin: clavical
Insertion: temporal bone
Levator scapulae - when the spine is fixed, it lifts and keeps in place the scapula, when the scapula is fixed, it rotates and flexes the cervical spine laterally.
Origin: posterior tubercles
Insertion: border of scapula
Splenius capitis - head extension, and rotation of cervical spine
Origin: Nuchal ligament
Insertion: occipital
Splenius cervicis - rotation of cervical spine
Origin: Spinous process
Insertion: transverse processes