Whole Dogz in Old Town Alexandria LIVE (Episode 1) - Today meet Mary Kenkel, co-owner with her son who personally designed the entire inside of Whole Dogz located at 4748 Eisenhower Ave Alexandria VA. Check out all the ways they are unique and an amazing place to board or groom your dog. Book your pet services online at
www.wholedogz.com, call or come in and *coming soon* Whole Dogz will offer an entire line of dog food and other phenomenal products all hand picked, organic and super healthy for your pet.
FORBZ Real Estate Group and The Zebra Press Press show you behind the scenes with businesses in Old Town Alexandria every Tuesday at 12Noon Livestream. If you own a business in Old Town Alexandria and want us to show off what makes you unique call now 703-216-1491, Cheryl Spangler, summer spots are booking up fast. *Free Business & Community Marketing)