Reflexologists stop the blockage of an energy field, invisible life force, or Qi, can prevent healing.
Reflexology is an alternative medicine involving application of pressure to the feet and hands with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion.
Ancient healing art based on the concept that the body is divided into ten equal zones that run from the head to the toes
therapy involves applying pressure on specific points on the foot so energy movement is directed toward the affected body part
used to promote healing and relaxation, reduce stress, improve circulation, and treat asthma, sinus infections, irritable bowel syndrome, kidney stones, and constipation
Dogs and cats are most commonly used in pet therapy. However, fish, guinea pigs, horses, and other animals that meet screening criteria can also be used. The type of animal chosen depends on the therapeutic goals of a person’s treatment plan.
Pet therapy is also referred to as animal-assisted therapy (AAT). AAT is sometimes confused with animal-assisted activities (AAA). AAT is a formal, structured set of sessions that helps people reach specific goals in their treatment. AAA involves more casual meetings in which an animal and its handler interact with one or more people for comfort or recreation.