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The Great Deppression

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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The Great Deppression

Photo by SSAVE

Postwar Europe

WWI left every major countries in Europe bankrupt

Unstable new democracies

  • Many countries had so many parties they couldn't decide on one 
  • Coalition Government-temporary alliance of several parties
  • It was hard to form strong leadership with coalition gov.
  • Some willing to sacrifice democracy for strong authoritarian gov.

The WeiMAR republic

Germany's new democratic Government in 1919; lacked democratic strength

Inflation causes crisis in germany

  • Instead of increasing taxes, Germany printed more money
  • The mark soon lost its value and became worthless
  • The cost of goods became so high people had wheelbarrows of cash
  • In 1923, a loaf of bread cost 200 billion marks
  • People started to question their new democratic government 

Attempts at economic stability

  • The international committee helped save Germany's economy
  • Charles Dawes gave a $200 million loan to stabilize Germany's economy
  • By 1929, Germany was producing as much in their factories as before the war

Efforts at a lasting peace

  • In 1925, Germany and France's foreign ministers met 
  • They signed a treaty stating that they wouldn't go to war again
  • Germany promised to respect the borders of France and Belgium
  • Almost every country signed the Kellogg-Briand peace pact

Financial collapse

The world's economy depended on the U.S. economy

A Flawed u.s. economy

  • Uneven distribution of wealth, overproduction, and people bought less
  • Richest 5% received 33% of all personal income
  • 60% of americans lived off less than $2000 a year
  • Fewer people buying->reduced production->laid off workers->so on
  • On going cycle of a downwards spiral in the economy 

The stock market crashes

  • U.S. showed record high stock market prices; everyone started buying
  • Thursday, October 24, 1929, the price of stocks began lowering 
  • Everyone wanted to sell, but nobody wanted to buy
  • October 29, known as Black Tuesday,  stock market prices plunged
  • 16 million stocks sold, and the market collapsed 

The great depression

Stocks were worthless, one-fourth unemployed, production cut in half

A global depression

  • American banks wanted payment from overseas loans; withdrew from Europe
  • High tariffs were put into place for U.S. and then other countries
  • World trade dropped 65%, while unemployment rates soared

Effects throughout the world

  • 1931, the largest bank in Austria failed
  • Value of export goods in Asia cut in half between 1929 and 1931
  • Less demand for Latin American products led to prices collapsing  

The world confronts the crisis

Democracies were challenged during the Great Depression

Britain takes steps to  improve its economy

  • National Government- Britain's multiparty coalition government
  • Passed high protection tariffs, increased taxes, and regulated currency  
  • Lowered interest rates bought a slow but steady recovery
  • 1927, unemployment was cut in half and production levels exceeded 1929's
  • Britain was able to preserve Democracy

france respond to economic crisis

  • By 1935, one million unemployed
  • By 1933, five coalition governments formed and fell
  • 1936, moderates, Socialists, and Communist formed a coalition governement
  • The Popular Front passed reforms; price increases offset wage gains
  • Through it all, France preserved their democratic government 

recovery in the united states

  • 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president 
  • March 4, 1933, began the New Deal
  • The New Deal was a program of government reforms 
  • Provided jobs, financial help, welfare, relief programs
  • Roosevelt's programed worked and restored the country's faith