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Published on Dec 11, 2015

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The Process of Swallowing

1) Oral Preparatory Stage, in which the food is chewed (masticated), mixed with saliva, and formed into a cohesive ball (bolus).

2)Oral Stage, in which the food is moved back through the mouth with a front-to-back squeezing action, performed primarily by the tongue.

3) Pharyngeal Stage, which begins with the pharyngeal swallowing response:
-The food enters the upper throat area (above the voice box)
-The soft palate elevates
-The epiglottis closes off the trachea, as the tongue moves backwards and the pharyngeal wall moves forward
-These actions help force the food downward to the esophagus

4) Esophageal Stage, in which the food bolus enters the esophagus (the tube that transports food directly to the stomach). The bolus is moved to the stomach by a squeezing action of the throat muscles

How Bread Digests

1)The bread goes into your mouth for your saliva to snip the starch molecules into glucose.

2) The bread goes through the mouth, to the stomach, into the small intestine where more amylase (produced by the pancreas) digests any extra starch molecules until only glucose is left.