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Slide Notes

Fatherhood is falling on hard times…….

2010 for the first time in our history – married households with a father and a mother dipped below 50% to 48% of households in America

2012 the tide of public opinion shifted to a majority of Americans accepting gay couples as a positive option for a family – especially if you are under 30, you are wondering what all the fuss is about……….

70% of all youth in state run institutions come from homes with no father

71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes

Research generally supports the claim that a loving and nurturing father improves outcomes for children, families, and communities

40% less likely to repeat a grade in school
70% less likely to drop put of school
More likely to actually enjoy school, do well in school as a result and , be involved in extra-curricular activities

So to encourage our fathers, here are some gift ideas to consider

Father's Day

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Be thank for fathers who......a preview of this weekend's time in the Word


Father's Day

Fatherhood is falling on hard times…….

2010 for the first time in our history – married households with a father and a mother dipped below 50% to 48% of households in America

2012 the tide of public opinion shifted to a majority of Americans accepting gay couples as a positive option for a family – especially if you are under 30, you are wondering what all the fuss is about……….

70% of all youth in state run institutions come from homes with no father

71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes

Research generally supports the claim that a loving and nurturing father improves outcomes for children, families, and communities

40% less likely to repeat a grade in school
70% less likely to drop put of school
More likely to actually enjoy school, do well in school as a result and , be involved in extra-curricular activities

So to encourage our fathers, here are some gift ideas to consider

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My nephew Austin, with his daughter Layla

Thank God For

A Father who.....

Follows Jesus

Walk as Jesus walked
Submissive vs. 23
to Christ as the leader

lets Jesus lead in his life

Loves, not as the world does, but as Jesus does.....vs. 25

as Christ loves the church

Provides vs. 29

cares and feeds

Seeks oneness with God vs. 32

Loves His wife

as a matter of obedience

as a lifestyle vs. 25,33

keep on - pres act imp

ought -obligation, duty vs. 28

encourage holiness - vs. 27

protect stains and wrinkles vs. 27

insures that his wife's imperfections are as private as possible

as a husband loves himself.....

feeds - nourish to maturity, often sued of loving kids as they grow

cares - soften with body warmth, or a bird settling into her nest

emphasis on self-care not self-esteem
Photo by dklimke

Builds a Godly Home

Based on God's Word vs. 26

holiness - precious, set apart, sacred

cleansing - absence of stains

Prioritizes the relationship to his wife above

His peers

His mother

His children

Shift from

obedience to honor regarding his parents

independence to oneness with his wife

authority to advisor with his children
(Illus. Jethro and Moses......)

Photo by USACE HQ

Has a Place

A Healthy Member of the Body
Place under the head, leader

under Christ as the head vs. 23

Living sacrificially - vs. 26

gave himself, willingly

encouraging a "radiant" church




Functioning as a healthy member

identifiable part of the body

moving ( has life)

with a purpose

function that reflects that purpose
Photo by Rob Swatski

Thank God for A Father Who..

  • Follows Jesus
  • Loves His wife
  • Builds a Godly Home
  • Has a Place in the Body

Michael Cadrette

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