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Published on Nov 28, 2015

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Oil is a fossil fuel.

Oil forms from animals that died millions of years ago.

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The way oil turns to energy is it gets burned which turns the water into steam then later on the steam runs turbines which is generated into energy.

Oil energy makes gasoline and diesel for transportation fuel, kerosene and natural gas for heating and electrical generation, and oil for machinery.

Today oil is used for
Transportation, asphalt, military and defense,
Fertilizer, heating, feedstock,
Petrochemicals, plastics,
Polyurethanes, solvents, electrical generation etc.

The benefit of using oil for heating is that it does not have negative environmental effects. The benefit of using oil for transport is that it is easy and cheap to transport the fuel from the source to the destinations. Oil is a fossil fuel though some scientists claim that it can be made in a laboratory.

The drawbacks of oil are that oil spills could happen its a non renewable resource there is to much demand for it and could start a war in the future.

Earths oil is expected to run out in the year 2050.

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