In creating iPhone 6, we scrutinized every element and material. That’s how we arrived at a smooth, continuous form. A thinner profile made possible by our thinnest display yet. And intuitively placed buttons. All made with beautiful anodized aluminum, stainless steel, and glass. It’s a thousand tiny details that add up to something big. Or in this case, two big things: iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
The first thing you notice when you hold iPhone 6 is how great it feels in your hand. The cover glass curves down around the sides to meet the anodized aluminum enclosure in a remarkable, simplified design. There are no distinct edges. No gaps. Just a smooth, seamless bond of metal and glass that feels like one continuous surfac
It's hard to imagine a phone more eagerly anticipated than the iPhone 6. After the design revolution that was the iPhone 4, the much-anticipated iPhone 5 disappointed some with its modest visual update. People craved a phone with looks significantly different than what had come before, and so those expectations shifted to the iPhone 6.
In many ways, the iPhone 6 delivers on those design expectations but if you're really longing for something totally different, look to the iPhone 6 Plus. The iPhone 6 Plus is significantly larger, noticeably thinner, and -- perhaps most importantly -- offers far more endurance on a single charge than any previous iPhone.