German and PlurAL
By: Lili Stanberry ;
English: one person
~German: eine person
Pronunciation: (Inah-perzon)
English: two earrings
German: zwei ohrringe
Pronunciation: (zwy-ore-ring-eh)
English: three candies
German: Drei Süßigkeiten
Pronunciation: (dry-zeusy-kite-in)
English: four pens
German: Vier Stifte
Pronunciation: (Veer (roll "r")-steef-stuh)
English: five dolphins
English: six glasses
German: sechs Gläser
Pronunciation: (zex-gleesur)
English: seven paper cranes
German: Sieben Papier-kräne
Pronunciation: (zeebin-Pappe-kleen-uh)
English: eight songs
German: Acht Lieder
Pronunciation: (Acht-leader)
(Had to make a picture myself, couldn't find any)
English: nine blocks
German: Neun Blöcke
Pronunciation: (noin-bloke-uh)
English: ten buildings
German: Zehn gebäude
Pronunciation: (zeen-goo-bye-duh)
Vielen Dank für das Ansehen!