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all about my evolution position

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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all about my evolution position

Breanna Knight

I personally do not agree with evolution. i believe God created all the beautiful animals and people in it, as well as the Earth! The bible has shown to be historically correct so i believe it is correct that God created Man. i also think if evolution was true it would still be occurring.

evidence #1: No one has actually seen evolution. If evolution existed there should still be many "transitional" forms that we could still be observing today. Though scientist say that it is still occurring within animals they are all staying very close the same, but if a dog turned into a cat that would be an example of evolution.

rebuttal: many scientist say that evolution is happening still now and faster than ever! Over the past 5,000 years they have seen the most and quickest amount of evolution. that 7% of our genes have been going through a small evolution. Scientist are also saying that since it is becoming harder for people to reproduce without complications or being able to be fertilized that is also another part of evolution that his going on today!

Evidence 2: In the bible it states in genesis 5:1 that "when God created men, he made him in the likeness of God." This describes that God made people in the image of God that humans didn't evolve from monkeys that we were created by the Lord and that he created us to be smart and in his creation not in the creation of any type of animal. He made animals separate!

rebuttal: If God made us from the image of himself then why do we not all look alike? If man was created from the image of God and not all of us look alike then that means that we must have been evolved because we still don't look the same as each other which goes back to the first evidence saying that we still are evolving! we should also all act alike if he created us in the image of himself. we should all act like God.

Evidence #3 In the bible it also states in Genesis 2:7, Lord, God formed man of the dust of ground, and breathed into the nostrils the breath of life. This is another reason why people believe God made man. He created the Earth and started man kind with the breath of life.

rebuttal: If God created man then did he also breathe the breath of life into animals as well? you say God created man and women as well as animals but you don't say where the idea of evolution came from. Men are knowledgeable and therefore we wouldn't just create an idea that isn't any at all true and go for it. Men have reasoning behind many things that they believe as well as you Christians do, so that means evolution has to be some what true maybe not all the way but no one would just created this for their own being.

Evidence #4: There is no fossils to prove the whole process of evolution. Though there may be fossils that have some shapes or characteristics of humans and aren't ,but there is no for sure fossil that evolution is 100% true. Evolution is mainly a theory that scientist believe. Many believe cave man may have been an example of humans evolving at the time but no one is for certain and there wasn't any technology or pictures to prove the history of cave mans.

Rebuttal: There is fossils that scientist have put together to show the head of a human evolve. Our skulls teeth have eventually shrunk our jaw line and also our skull shrunk to a smaller size as well. Scientist have found a caveman that was frozen and he didn't look like a modern day human. Evolution may not be 100% true or have been proven all the way but neither is religion. there is many parts of the bible that will never be able to be proved.