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The inner planets

Published on Oct 11, 2017

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The inner planets


  • This planet is the smallest in our solar system, and the closest to the sun. In direct sunlight, the surface can get as hot as 427°C and the dark side can get as cold as –183°C.
  • Mercury gets struck by a lot of asteroids, creating craters making it look similar to earth's moon.
  • Mercury orbits the Sun in just 88 Earth days. each day on Mercury is 58 Earth days long.
  • Fun fact: Mercury is only the second hottest planet.


  • Venus is the only planet named after a female.
  • The planet is covered by a thick layer of clouds.
  • Venus's clouds are made of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and corrosive sulfuric acid.
  • The thick atmosphere traps heat inside of Venus’s atmosphere. as a result, Venus is the hottest planet. temperatures at the surface reach 465°C.
  • Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet. there are between 100,000 to 1,000,000 volcanoes on Venus.
  • Fun fact: Venus does not have a moon.


  • Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. the martian climate is most like earth's of any planet in the solar system.
  • Mars is the easiest planet to observe. it has been studied more than any other planet other than earth.
  • Mars is red. This is because of the large amounts of iron oxide in the soil.
  • out of the entire solar system, Mars is home to the largest volcano olympus mons and the largest canyon, valles marineris.
  • Fun fact: Mars has two very small, irregular moons.
- Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. the martian climate is most like earth's of any planet in the solar system.
- Mars is the easiest planet to observe. it has been studied more than any other planet other than earth.
- Mars is red. This is because of the large amounts of iron oxide in the soil.
- out of the entire solar system, Mars is home to the largest volcano olympus mons and the largest canyon, valles marineris.
- Fun fact: Mars has two very small, irregular moons.
Photo by Kevin M. Gill


  • After the sun and planets formed, material was left over. this material didn't get close enough to a large body to be pulled in by it's gravity. these are called asteroids. they are small, irregularly shaped rocks.
  • They are too small to have an atmosphere. With no internal heat, they are not geologically active.
  • Most asteroids are located in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This region is called the asteroid belt. there are thousands of asteroids in the asteroid belt. the total mass adds up to only about four percent of earth’s moon.
  • There are over 4,500 known near-Earth asteroids. Small asteroids do collide with earth about once a year. astronomers look for near-Earth asteroids to predict a possible collision early so they can to try to prevent it.
  • Fun fact: asteroids do not have enough gravity to become round.
- After the sun and planets formed, material was left over. this material didn't get close enough to a large body to be pulled in by it's gravity.
these are called asteroids. they are small, irregularly shaped rocks.
- They are too small to have an atmosphere. With no internal heat, they are not geologically active.
- Most asteroids are located in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This region is called the asteroid belt. there are thousands of asteroids in the asteroid belt. the total mass adds up to only about four percent of earth’s moon.
- There are over 4,500 known near-Earth asteroids. Small asteroids do collide with earth about once a year.
astronomers look for near-Earth asteroids to predict a possible collision early so they can to try to prevent it.
- Fun fact: asteroids do not have enough gravity to become round.
Photo by midwestnerd