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Federal Income Tax

Published on Feb 09, 2016

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Federal Income Tax

By: Cameron Bates

16th Amendment

  • Congress Shall have the power to collect taxes on income without regard to any census or Enumeration
  • Found in Article 1 section 2 and Section 9

History of the 16th Amendment

  • Passed by congress on July 2, 1909
  • Ratified on Feb 3, 1913
  • 1st Income taxes were because of debt from the civil war
  • Most were sales tax and tariffs
  • Stated as 3% tax on all income over $800

History of the 16th Amendment Cont.

  • people in south were effected by this worse because of low crop prices
  • Many people did not pay the pecent required
  • 1909 when congress added the provisions the did not think they would pass but they did

Court cases

  • Pollock vs. Farmers loan and trust Co.
  • Supreme court declared certain taxes on income to be unconstitutional
  • 1894
  • Caused source of income to be determind direct or indirect
  • Property vs. Labor
  • In 1913 pollock case was overruled

Current Event

  • Group call tea party patriots are trying to repeal the 16th amendement
  • Want federal income taxes to be more fair and flatter
  • Worry tax reform will never take place