Wk 6 Podcast ENG 102

Published on Feb 16, 2017

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Wk 6 Podcast

ENG102 MW 
Photo by zoomar

Finish Up Unit 5

  • Paraphrase Lesson
  • Developing and Implementing a Research Plan
  • As. 2
  • Online Learning 5
Photo by yewenyi

Unit 6

  • Developing an Effective Thesis or Claim
  • Writing Outline
  • Writing Defining Issue--1 to 2 paragraphs

Define Issue

  • State Issue
  • What Kind of Issue?
  • Boundaries (who affects?)
  • Side A
  • Side B
  • Side C?
Photo by sickmouthy

I. Define Issue:

A. State Issue: Is it ethical for religious views of government incumbents to influence their decision to ban same-sex marriage?
B. What kind of Issue: This is a politically and religiously associated issue that affects same-sex couples.
C. Boundaries: Restriction of same-sex marriages affects same-sex couples in their personal lives and economically on state and federal levels.

D. Side A: Some feel it is unethical for religious views of government incumbents to influence their decision to ban same-sex marriage. The U.S. Constitution requires the separation of church and state in order to provide all its citizens with equal religious and political freedom, however, taking an objective stance on the topic of same-sex marriage is difficult for incumbents given their religious associations.
E. Side B: Others believe religious views of government incumbents naturally affect their decision to ban same-sex marriages, because as citizens of the U.S. they have the right to their own religious beliefs and the right to practice those beliefs without government interference.

Photo by Vermin Inc


Beth Eyres

Haiku Deck Pro User