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  • We know.
  • ...but let’s focus on the ones that are being gunned down at the hands of police officers then their murders justified at the hands of the court system.
Photo by Dorret

The purpose of this organization is to serve as a political intervention raising awareness for the senseless killings of black people and seeking reform of the law enforcement and judicial system.

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  • This organization emerged in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin’s killer.

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  • BLM continues to shed light on every other black victim of police brutality before and after that time that may or may not have gotten mass media coverage.
Photo by cactusbones

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  • The significance of the name Black Lives Matter is there to emphasize that we matter TOO, not from the desire to make this race superior. It is ultimately a fight for equal rights, equal jurisdiction and equal chances to live.
Photo by DreadScott

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  • BLM is not only an organization. It’s also an exclamation. We are fighting for collective freedom!
Photo by quinn.anya

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  • BLM started out with three radical women outraged by the murders of innocent black people in 2013 and has now expanded across the world with 40 different chapters all ran by self proclaimed members of this group.

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  • Calling for an end to anti-black violence
  • Affirming our rights to live and thrive
  • Calling nonblack citizens to organize in their own communities to create change.
  • Demanding reparations, economic justice, a commitment to black futures and an end to the war on black people around the world.
Photo by kveets94


  • Channel Black: A training program to help black leaders of the current and future generations to construct, optimize, and implement strategic interventions through the media.
  • Black Futures Month: The same month as BHM and is dedicated to celebrating the reality of Black existence, Black joy and Black splendor. It imagines a joyful, free and liberated future for black folks.

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  • Resisting systemic racism
  • Restoring hope
  • Reclaiming our lives
  • Building a future through the lens of the equality we never had
  • Putting an end to every system that oppresses us, including the government.
Photo by Wilton_Blake

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  • There have been countless protests, sit ins, walk outs, meetings and equal rights motivated events put in place to stop the killings of innocent black people and hold those their murderers accountable.
Photo by Sticker You

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  • BLM is successful in its expansion and execution of the message but not for their demand of equal rights for black people, which essentially leads to equal rights for everyone. Equality has still not been given. Only awareness has been raised. Unarmed black people are still being gunned down in the street everyday with little to no accountability being held for the murderers.