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Why I Quit a Successful Career to Learn to Code

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Why I Left a Successful Career to Learn to Code


I didn't. I just didn't want to be where I was anymore.

I actually didn't, which is why it was a much easier decision for me to make.

If you had asked me whether I wanted to quit my job to learn to code so I could take a nearly 50% pay cut to be a junior developer, I would say absolutely not. But I was already not working, earning zero dollars, it was a much easier option to think about.

So, I took a break and got rid of everything that I thought was not important.

I tried to separate the signal from the noise, and that required getting rid of everything that was not essential.

New York has a funny way of making you REALLY think about what's essential and I wanted to apply that same principle to my life, not just my apartment.

Then something amazing happened

I started thinking outside the box!
When I got back, I still had to answer the question, "Now what?" I saved some money but not that much, so I knew I needed to get back to work. I thought about what I loved doing as a child. Coding and math stood out.
Photo by elkit

I was most definitely NOT jumping on the coding bandwagon...

Even then, learning to code wasn't an obvious choice for me. I was actually an opponent of this movement that everyone should learn to code and of this movement that kids should be taught how to code. I thought that if anything, I wish they told me how to handle life when I was a kid.

I wish someone had taught me how to deal with life when you don't get something you really, really wanted, and that you worked really, really hard for. I later discovered that like sports, coding is a great way to teach these skills.
Photo by twicepix

1. Coding taught me to be vulnerable and accountable.

Photo by hercios

2. Coding teaches me to prioritize, because there are only so many "good" hours out of a day.

Photo by RLHyde

3. Learning to code shows me I can be resilient and compassionate.

Photo by 96dpi

4. Coding empowers me to be creative.

Photo by ♥ jules