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Northern Virginia Regional Gangs Task force

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Nova gang task force

  • By: Alvin Fermin, Kenneth Ellmore

WhAt is the nova regional gang task force?

Nova gang task force (NVGTF) is a multi-discipline and multi-jurisdictional partnership to impact gang activity in Northern Virginia, released a comprehensive gang assessment spanning five years comprehensive gang model, a structured, multi-pronged strategy to specifically define the problem of gangs in a given area.

When did the nova task gang established?

The United States has funded the Northern Virginia regional gang task force as part of the Department of Justice Appropriations Bill since July 2003.

What are some methods the nova regional gang task force use to achieve its mission?

*Collectively develop, coordinate and implement gang prevention, intervention and education programs within the region which are targeted, efficient and effective. Program success and failures will be shared with partners and stakeholders for the purpose of extending successful services and eliminating ineffective programming.