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Increasing Parent Involvement for At-Risk Seniors

Published on Feb 24, 2016

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The 5-paragraph essay must die

Why it sucks and how to write like an adult

##1. Not everything has three reasons

Sometimes your argument will have two reasons, or four, or seventeen. 
Photo by marfis75

2. Not every paper is 2-3 pages

Someday you'll e assigned a 5-page paper, or a 20-page paper...
Photo by Horia Varlan

3. sometimes your ideas overlap

the 5-paragraph essay forces you to keep ideas separate
Photo by Will Montague

4. It's limiting

sometimes you're not writing about reasons
Photo by monkeyc.net

5. it's boring

it's boring to write, and it's boring to read

Other options

this is how adults write!
Photo by drain


from most to least important
Photo by Ian Sane

Cause and effect

Current State, Causes, and Effects
Photo by Kurt:S


in chronological order, from first to last


organized around thematically-linked ideas
Photo by MSVG