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Virgina Bluebell- bloom early to mid spring- first bluebells were in the UK after ice age

Scarlett catchfly- blooms from June to August- has sticky bands around the stem in which small insects are often caught

Dwarf Iris- blooms in spring- the first to bloom in the spring

Vasey trillium- bloom in April- there are more than 40 trillium species

Common trillium- bloom in spring depending on location It is also a symbol of elegance and precision

Mayapple- blooms from April to may- has a flower under its leaves so it does not get pollinated by wind

Jack in the pulpit- blooms April to June- receives its name from the structure of its unique flower. The spadix (jack) "stands" in the pulpit-like structure of the spathe

Spring beauties- blooms late February to early May- important for bees because it’s an early nectar source

Wild flocks- blooms mid to late summer- shade lover only reaches 12 to 15 inches tall

Fern fiddle heads- bloom late April to early June- Fiddleheads get their name from the scrolled shape at the end of a violin