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Instructional Design & Technology

Published on Dec 04, 2020

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Instructional Design & Technology

A personal reflection
Photo by Ales Nesetril

Instructional technology is used in business and educational institutions worldwide.

Technology gives people access to learning they did not have before (Dhingra, 2012).

Photo by hackNY

Never before have people had access to information information so quickly.


Instructional design is rooted in theories of learning.

Instructional Technology

  • Increases student engagement
  • Allows for interactive experiences.
  • Supports student achievement.
  • Provides more content/resources for teachers and students.
Photo by Chang Duong

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) provides standards for innovation in education.

Photo by katerha

ISTE Educator Domains

  • Help educators guide instructional planning and delivery.
  • The Educator Standards Domains allow me to review areas for professional improvement in my teaching.
  • Example: (Learner Domain) Exploring proven practices that leverage technology is an area I am continuously reaching to improve.
Photo by katerha

New tools are constantly being introduced. This can create a challenge for educators.

Professional development and teacher training opportunities are critical for the successful implementation of technology across K-12 schools.

Photo by gdsteam

Schools spending $75-$250 per student per year on software has led to a $17 billion education technology market in the U.S. alone (Berger, 2017).

Many Issues Remain

  • Budget Constraints
  • Digital Inequality/lack of resources
  • Rapid changes in technology.
  • Training opportunities for educators.

It is my goal to bring new technological skills and knowledge to my students that provide them with opportunities to practice the skills necessary for the jobs of the future.

Course Influence to Personal Practice

  • Seek new resources and training opportunities.
  • Seek opportunities for leadership to support student success.
  • Consideration of theories of learning when planning instruction.
  • Dedicate time to discover and share resources with colleagues.


  • TEDx Talks. (2012, June 15). Can technology change education? Yes! [Video file]. Retrieved from Can Technology Change Education? Yes!: Raj Dhingra at TEDxBend
  • Berger, R. (2017, October 16). Unbundling School Technology Purchases. Retrieved from https://forbes.com/sites/rodberger