January 30, 1933 - Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. One month later, following an arson attack on the parliament building (Reichstag), Hitler introduces emergency laws that repress any political opponents.
March 20, 1933 - The first concentration camp in Germany opens, at Dachau, near Munich. This is a bad deal for the Jews, but they don’t know what’s really coming.
June 12, 1942 - Anne receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday. From this day forth she records a great amount of data, and personal accounts of the events in her life.
July 5, 1942 - Margot Frank receives a call-up notice from the Nazis to return to Germany to work in a labour camp. She would have to work in the camp.
July 6, 1942 - On July 6, fearing deportation to a Nazi concentration camp, Anne' Frank's father, Otto Frank, approached his Austrian-born bookkeeper, Miep Gies, and asked if she would help hide his family.
June 6, 1944 - D-Day has begun, and Anne begins thinking that the war might end. She distinctly names off aircraft names, in her journal because of the news from the radio.
August 4, 1944 - The annex is raided by the security police following an anonymous tip-off. All occupants and two helpers are arrested and sent to Westerbork transit camp.
September 3, 1944 - The occupants of the annex are transported to Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp on the last train to leave Westerbork. Anne wasn’t on this train, but that is a good thing for her, but she doesn’t know that.
End of October 1944 - Anne and her sister Margot are transported from Auschwitz-Birkenau to Bergen Belsen concentration camp. Anne is in for a bad deal, Auschwitz-Birkenau is the worst camp of them all.
March 1945 - Anne and Margot both died of typhus, only a few days apart. Bergen Belsen camp is liberated by British troops on 15 April.
April 30, 1945 - Hitler commits suicide as Soviet troops close in on his bunker in Berlin. Eight days later, Germany surrenders to end World War Two in Europe. Otto Frank was the only occupant of the Secret Annex to survive. Miep Gies saved Anne's diary following the raid on the annex and returned it, unread, to Otto after the war.
June 1945 - Otto Frank returned to Amsterdam. Soon after he returned, he received her dead daughter's diary. The diary of Anne Frank.
June 25, 1947 - On this day, Anne’s diary was published as a book. And it was a very influential one, being that it was from a teenage girl.