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Evaluation Question 6

Published on Mar 04, 2017

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Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies while constructing this project?
Photo by Koshyk

In this part of our task, we used two main different types of technology, one was the camera that we used to film on, and the other was a mobile phone. We used the camera for our real end product, and a mobile phone for our pre-lim task. I think it was important that we used these two types as we could see the quality difference and what one was better in the end, which was obviously the camera, as it made the scene look much more professional than when filming with an Iphone.

Photo by Koshyk

Another type of technology that I used throughout this task were the many different types of software tools, such as Prezi, Goconqr, Emaze etc. I found these very useful as it brought a bit more life into my blog and made it very interesting to create. It was clearer to create my ideas and was easier to see where I was going wrong as I was writing it down. During using these softwares I used presentations and mind maps also, these were also important as it gave out a lot of information onto my blog too. These softwares were also effective as we were able to present our ideas to eachother in a more fun way than just writing notes down and reading them out to one another.

Photo by Koshyk

While using blogger, I have become much more attracted to the way it works since I understand it much more and am more aware of the capabilities to it. While creating my blogs I was able to edit thewriting, add photos and much more, so even when not using software such as prezi, in was able to make my blog look much more colourful. Blogger also was able to count how many blogs that I have written and it made it that much easier to stay on track.

Photo by Koshyk