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Matthew 27:32-66

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Matthew 27:32-66

"He has done it!" Psalm 22:31
Photo by Travis S.

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Jesus Greatest Feat

  • Final hours fulfilled prophesy
  • The Climax
  • Burial and care of Jesus
Photo by VinothChandar

Path to Golgotha

  • Death Hill is overcome
  • Jesus didn't deaden the pain
  • Each step He took willingly
  • God sent Simon of Cyrenne

Simon of Cyrenne

  • Unexpected encounter with The Saviour
  • Jew from North Africa
  • Sons, Rufus and Alexander
  • Wife, Rufus mother, Rom 16

Psalm 22

  • Messianic prophecies
  • 7 fulfilled in 6 hours
  • 1000 years ago
  • Detailed, specific
  • Supernatural confirmation
Photo by John Scalzi


  • "It is finished." John
  • "Father into your hands I commit my Spirit." Luke
  • Uttered a loud cry. Mark
  • Jesus cried out with a loud voice and yielded up His Spirit. Matthew
Photo by rickihuang


  • Veil of the temple torn in 2
  • Rocks split tombs opened
  • Dead Saints rise
  • Satan lost his hold
  • Death has lost its sting
  • In Christ we live forever
Photo by Jorge Lascar

"They were filled with awe and said, "Truly this was the son of God."
Matthew 27:54

Photo by istolethetv

Burial of Jesus

  • Joseph of Arimathea
  • Nicodemus helped
  • 75 lbs burial spices
  • Newly hewn tomb
  • Mary Magdalene, Mary present
  • Carefully sealed with stone

The great feat has been accomplished, death has been overcome.

"Posterity shall serve him; it shall be told of the Lord to the coming generations; they shall come and proclaim His righteousness to a people yet unborn...

...that He has done it!"