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Tips to stop cyberbullying

Published on Nov 26, 2018

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Tips to stop cyberbullying

Photo by FunnyBiz

Don't respond

Your reaction is what the bully wants.

Photo by wentongg

Don't retaliate

Getting back at the bully turns you into one as well

Photo by J_O_I_D

Save the evidence

In case things escalate, it's good to save or screenshot what's said

Photo by Jakob Owens

Block the bully

No reaction sometimes makes the aggressor bored, so they'll stop.

Photo by Markus Spiske

Reach out for help

It's usually good to talk to a parent or a school counselor

Photo by fingle

Use reporting tools

If the bullying took place via social media, use the servers reporting or "abuse" tools.

Photo by fredcavazza

Be civil

Even if you don't like a person, it's not good to sink to their level.

Don't be a bully

Thinking about how another person would feel really puts a damper on aggression.

Photo by someones.life

Be a friend, not a bystander

Forwarding mean messages or just standing by and doing nothing empowers bullies and hurts victims even more.

Photo by Marc_Smith