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Why teens use drugs

Published on Jun 21, 2021

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Why teens use drugs

  • They want to fit in
  • They want to look cool
  • They want to get rid of pain
  • They were forced into peer pressure
  • They thought it would be nice
Photo by Mikail Duran

Why you shoudn't use drugs

  • You should not be using drugs just so you can be like everyone else, someday that choice could cost you your life.
  • Drugs are not cool, you lose weight, get addicted, and could become dependent on them. Is it worth risking your health and family?
Photo by verifex

Why you shouldn't use drugs

  • 3. There are other ways to deal with pain such as talking to your parents or a trusted friend as well as picking up a good hobby like bike riding or running to help releve anger or stress.
  • 4. If you were forced into peer pressure you need to remember to say no. Drugs can cause cancer and possibly death. You can go to the hospital or even jail.
Photo by verifex

Why you shouldn't use drugs

  • 5. If you did it as a experiment then you chose wrong, drugs are bad for you, they seriously take your entire life and money and give nothing in return. You do not become happy from drugs, only addicted.
  • By not doing drugs you are able to have many doors open for you and live a healthy and long life.
Photo by verifex

You should never do drugs. They are bad for you and can cause cancer of the lungs and throat as well as addiction and possible death. Remember Just Say No.

Photo by Isaiah Rustad