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The Aztecs

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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What role did trade and commerce have in this cilization?

Photo by Skies for me

It had a very important role because it was a part of their lives and they relied on it for food and other goods such as Raw materials ,finished products,jewellery, wood and even medicene


The major products were crops and food. Aztec farmers grew beans,squash,avocado,
tobacco,hemp,pepper and most important of all corn. They also traded various goods and services, they include every thing you can work on. You can also buy raw materials and finished products.

Photo by taipeivoid

How did geography effect their trade?

Photo by derekbruff

It effected trade because they had no large animal to pull carts , so they had to carry every thing them selves.

What type of currency did they use?

Photo by Xuan Che

They used many types of currency. The main ones were trading goods and using cocoa bean. The higher quality of the bean the more its worth.The Aztecs also used a form of money called the Quachtli, although this wasnt as common as bartering or trading, and was again a form of cotton cut into standardized lengths. But lastly the most strange currency they had was children. Children would sell for as much as 600 cocoa bean.

Photo by bdebaca

Was their economy based on a division of social class? How?

Photo by Gwendal_

Yes there was a social class the highest in the class was the emperor and his family , second are government officials , priests and high ranked warriors , third are commoners fourth are peasants and lastly slaves.

Photo by Xuan Che

Aztec or Nahuatl writing is a pictographic and writing system with significant number of logograms and syllabic signs. The aztec language Aztec or Nahuatl is still spoken and read by parts of Mexico such as México, Guerrero, Michoacán, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, San Luis Potosí.

Photo by xelipe

Who went to school how long? how often?

Every child in the Aztec empire had to go to school. That included boys, girls, and slaves.


Photo by Gwendal_

It helped the Aztec kids to learn to read and write. They also learned how to behave and have good manners.

Photo by catface3

what did the aztecs invent?

Photo by Kim Alaniz

The aztecs invented some very great things the main ones were chewing gum , popcorn and chocolate .

Photo by Xuan Che

Untitled Slide

Photo by twm1340