Verizon Case Study

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Communications and technology solutions leader Verizon wanted to better ensure that its 180,000 employees around the world could innovate and collaborate effectively without putting the company at risk of copyright infringement. The company makes ethical standards a top priority and sought to deploy a copyright compliance strategy that made it easy for their workers to do the right thing when it came to using and sharing copyrighted material.

Learn how Verizon uses compliance solutions from Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) to reduce that risk and give employees the freedom to collaborate responsibly.


Verizon Case Study

Verizon Cuts Copyright Infringement with CCC Solutions

The Challenge

Verizon is committed
to the highest ethical standards...

and takes all compliance issues, including copyright, seriously.

However, with almost 180,000 employees around the world, using and sharing information, this is a challenge.

Patrick Flaherty

Assistant General Counsel for Trademarks and Copyrights at Verizon

"For our employees,
more is always better. Employees want to use and share copyrighted content in all formats from as many titles as possible."

"And they want an easy verification process to know what rights have been granted to them when they go to use that content.”

"The key," says Flaherty, "is communication."

The Solution

Verizon regularly educates employees with ongoing communications and trainings about intellectual property.

Photo by ITU Pictures

"A copyright policy alone will not shield your company from the infringement liability of your employees."

Verizon also chose CCC to help simplify copyright compliance and give its legal team peace of mind.

In addition, Flaherty recognized that team members’ content uses didn’t stop with written material.

“We often received staff requests to use movies
in presentations and training sessions,”

Adding movie and TV usage rights from CCC was an easy decision.

“I like to be able to tell employees ‘yes’, and CCC’s Motion Picture License now allows me
to do that."

The Results

Greater collaboration and simplified copyright compliance!

To learn more about Verizon's story, visit