Official language
Official currency~Ethiopian Burr
Land Area~435,200 sq. miles
Population~94.1 million
Pop. Density~89.39
Fertility rate~4.64 births per women
Mortality rate~under 5
Life expectancy~62.97 years
Infant mortality~55.77
Child Mortality~68/1000
This is an underdeveloped country because the education is low and the fertility rate is high health facilities are not up to date.
Official currency~Euro
GDP~3.635 trillion
Land Area~137,903 sq.miles
Population~80.62 million
Population density~234.67
Fertility rate~1.38 births per women
Mortality rate~4.00
Life expectancy~81 years
Infant mortality~3.46
Child Mortality rate~5.3/1000
This is a developed country they have good infrastructer innovation high level education. Two-thirds of all homes in Germany are one generation housholds.