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What are nightmares?
How can we prevent nightmares?
Who has nightmares?
Can you die from a nightmare?
How do nightmares affect us?

Photo by Leo Reynolds


A nightmare is a dream occurring during rapid eye movement (REM). Nightmares tender occur in the later part of the night. Sometimes, the nightmare can awaken the sleeper, who is likely to recall the content of the nightmare. "Repeated nightmares" are a series of nightmares with a recurring or similar theme. Nightmares usually begin under the age of 10. They tend to be more common in girls than boys. ?!?!

Photo by Great Beyond


This is my method of how to fight away the scary nightmares at night: I would like the class to try this now…
Close your eyes and say “I want to think of nice things” 3 times in your head. When you are finished, keep your eyes closed and put your hands on your head so I know you are done.

Now say “I want to think of nice things” 3 times out loud with your eyes still closed. When you are finished, put your hands on your head.

Open your eyes and say “I want to think of nice things” 3 times in your head. When you are finished, put your hands on your head.

Finish up by saying “I want to think of nice things” 3 times out loud. When you are finished, put your hands on your head.

Here are some strategies to have sweet dreams instead of horrific nightmares:

Photo by ms4jah

Never go to sleep angry-
If you feel tense and stressed out before you are going to bed, give yourself some time to calm down and relax.

Photo by KoiQuestion

Don't eat right before bed-
Ideally meats and cheese are not good to have right before bed because they take longer to digest.

Photo by JD Hancock

Fresh scents-
If you keep flowers or aromatic oils in your bedroom, the good smell helps positive sleep.

DO NOT sleep on your back-
When you sleep on your back, it encourages a particular kind of nightmare called sleep paralysis. It makes you feel like you're awake and alert while at the same time you can't move. It can also make you breathless and a scene called “unknown presence” where you don't you know where you are.

Regular sleep patterns= better dreams-
This is my regular sleep pattern:
First I have dinner, then have a shower, put my pyjamas on, brush my teeth and then go to bed after I have watched some TV. And I use the same pillow and sleep in the same spot EVERY night.

Photo by nosha

Who has nightmares?

Just about everyone has nightmares at one time or another. The majority of children have nightmares between the ages of three or four and seven or eight. These nightmares appear to be a part of normal development. Nightmares are less common in adults, though studies have shown that they too may have nightmares from time to time.

Can you die from a nightmare?
Wes craven's "Nightmare On Elm Street" remains on of the most scariest horror movies of all time. A real disease called "sudden unexpected nocturnal death syndrome" (SUNDS) inspired the movie. SUNDS is a rare disease. The disease SUNDS can make you die in your sleep because of the sudden fright you can get from nightmares. Sometimes the scene that you are in for example: you are in World War Two and you are scared of your surroundings, can encourage or influence SUNDS.


Many of us have woken up in a sweat in the middle of the night as a result of a nightmare. Researchers have discovered that nightmares affect us emotionally, as they give birth to poor sensations such as sadness, confusion and guilt, rather than fright. Don't worry, you are not the only one who experiences nightmares 5-8% of the worlds population suffers from nightmares on a regular basis.