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Published on Dec 12, 2015

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Year of the monkey
Photo by Leo Reynolds

After-Hours Changes

  • New Schedule
  • Flipped Model
  • Guided Projects
  • DevMountain Next
Photo by RichTatum

New Schedule

Photo by Stéfan

16 weeks - 3 classes/week

  • Tuesday: 6pm - 9pm
  • Thursday: 6pm - 9pm
  • Saturday*: 9am - 2pm
  • *Teachers: 9am - 12pm

Flipped Model

Photo by JD Hancock

Class Structure

  • Monday -- Watch vimeo lesson
  • Tuesday -- In class
  • Wednesday -- Watch vimeo lesson
  • Thursday -- In class
  • Friday -- Watch vimeo lesson
  • Saturday -- In class
Photo by Le.Sanchez

What does that mean for us?

  • Lesson will be taught already
  • We need to know lesson material
  • We will need to be prepared to test for understanding, and fill in gaps when needed
  • We will guide the students in the mini-project
  • We need to be able to help with the project
Photo by Le.Sanchez

What a normal schedule will look like

  • 6:00 -- Answer ?'s
  • 6:10 -- Test for understanding, fill in gaps
  • 6:20 -- Start Mini-Project (teacher-guided)
  • 7:00-ish -- Students begin working on the project
  • 9:00 -- Wrap up class
Photo by Le.Sanchez

Guided Projects

Photo by Stéfan

5 - 2 (or 3) week projects

  • After week 4, no more "one day" projects
  • Project is built for 2 or 3 weeks, and content/features are added each day after the lessons
  • Repo -- solutions branch
  • No more "Portfolio" projects (see DevMountain Next)
Photo by Barb Henry

Teacher Expectations

  • Projects are mostly guided, but there will be some filler days (no lecture days)
  • We need to be comfortable with the projects
  • We need to do projects, or read and understand the solution
  • Contribute! Give feedback on improving solutions

DevMountain Next

Photo by JD Hancock

The Why...

Photo by ⣫⣤⣇⣤

DevMountain Next

  • AH students need more...
  • Participating students go deeper, learn more
  • Portfolio building
  • Graduation expectations
Photo by *nacnud*

The What...

Photo by 713 Avenue

DevMountain Next

  • 16 week course - Wed nights only
  • For any DevMtn grad (must be accepted)
  • 4 weeks -- Advanced CS/NG topics
  • 8 weeks -- Project building
  • 4 weeks -- Job prep
  • Students can now be invited to Meet & Hire Lunch

Wrap Up

Photo by kennymatic


  • New Schedule
  • Flipped Model
  • Guided Projects
  • Advanced Track
Photo by RichTatum

May the Force be with you!

Photo by wbeem