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Egyptian Mathemtatics

Published on Jan 06, 2017

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Egyptian Mathemtatics

Bonnie Winkler


  • Math used primarily for practical purposes, not theroetical
  • Used mathematics for agriculture and construction (pryamids, temples, ect)
  • Greeks obtained knowledge of mathematics from Egyptians

Rhind Papyrus

  • One of our main sources on Egyptian mathematics
  • Discovered by Henry Rhind in 1858
  • Made in 1650 BC

Rhind Papyrus

  • Contains 87 math problems
  • Some questions ask about fractions, such as divided x loaves of bread among 10 men
  • 5 problems deal with pryamids

The mathematics the Egyptians used is identical to the math used by computers

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Works Cited

  • "An Overview of Egyptian Mathematics." Egyptian Mathematics. N.p., Dec. 2000. Web. 06 Jan. 2017.
  • Egyptian Maths. Perf. Michael S. Schneider. Youtube. Youtube, 5 Sept. 2008. Web. 6 Jan. 2017.
  • "Ra Egyptian God of the Sun." Ancient Egypt. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Jan. 2017.

Works Cited

  • "THE RHIND MATHEMATICAL PAPYRUS." Department of Mathematics, University of Washington. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Jan. 2017.
  • "RHIND MATHEMATICAL PAPYRUS." Mathground. Mathground, n.d. Web. 06 Jan. 2017.