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Careers and Trends

Published on May 04, 2022

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Careers and Trends

ups and downs


  • gaming : Well there's a lot of pros and cons about professionally playing video games. Well you do have to travel to play in tournaments which actually costs quite a bit of money. I think that is a con but getting to see the world is a pro. reward is you get paid to do something you find fun.


  • Streaming : for streaming a pro would be you get paid to do something you enjoy. A con would probably be. being famous if you don't ever really get privacy because you're a celebrity. A reward would be you work from your house and get paid for doing what you love.


  • vlogging : Vlogging again has a lot of pros and cons. A pro would be the fact you can make people happy just by talking to a camera. A con would be always having people come up to you. The rewarding part is

social media

  • social media : A pro that comes with social media would be that you're an influencer and a con would be no privacy . A reward is you get paid and discounts for a lot of things through sponsors .


  • producer : with a producer you're a celebrity but you have a lot more privacy which would be a pro and a con would be no steady work. Reward is a fun thing to do and you get to meet a lot of cool people if your good at what you do.