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Published on Nov 12, 2019

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Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports


positive to negative comments
Photo by mikecogh

+ Components

  • short list of positive behaviors in each relevant location in bldg - respect, responsibility, resilience
  • these behaviors in line with recognition cards, all are aligned with behavior expectations
  • students brainstorm rewards
  • can be tied to attendance

- Components

  • classroom infraction sheets
  • major referral
  • classroom managed vs office managed
  • teacher consequences
  • team consequences
  • quick out of class w/o pass using radios and MIP (Modified Instructional Program) Room
Photo by particlem

No Infraction

  • Gum (1st warning) No homework Tardy (1st warning) Talking out of turn Line butting Incomplete work Lack of materials Leaning back on chair Candy Touch other people’s things whistling
Photo by Wayan Vota

Classroom Infraction

  • Habitual gum Disrespectful comment/behavior Habitual tardiness Talking during fire drill Cheating Habitual lack of materials Lying Inappropriate dress Inappropriate language Running in hallway
Photo by Jordan

Classroom Con't.

  • Throwing objects Skipped lunch detention Inappropriate behavior for sub Arguing with teacher Not following directions Resisting to do work Pushing “goofing” off Repetitive disruptive behavior
Photo by Jordan

Office Managed

  • Excessive disrespect Cursing Fighting Truancy Sexual harassment Possession of weapons Possession of substance Trashing bathroom Theft Property damage Cell phone Leaving without permission Insubordination
Photo by John Cameron

It's not about talk, it's about...

fair and consistent consequences, as well as consistent rewards


Photo by Leo Reynolds