Shoes to me is something special because people like different kinds of shoes and it's interesting learning about what kinds of shoes there really in the word
One of my favorite kinds of shoes is the (Nike Black/ Metallic Silver-Total Crimson) which is shown in the background. O
Im not too crazy about pants/ shorts but i do believe it has a small part having to do with fashion
The pants/shorts I enjoy wearing is high waisted...
High waisted pants/ shorts is when the pants is high above your waist.... Sometimes it's above the belly button and , sometimes it's below the belly button depending on the pants; and how they fit on you in particualr...
Hair is sometimes educational to learn about because some people do their hair in some ways based of their religion...
My favorite hairstyle is when i get box braids in my hair...
I really enjoy getting box braids in my hair because its a protective style that i can keep in for 3-5 months with out hair damage or any thing that is unhealthy for the hair.....