Copy of ELA 6 & 8

Published on Sep 05, 2018

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Main Idea

Mini Lessons
Photo by bibendum84

1. I can identify what a main idea or theme is.

Essential Question:

How do I find the main idea ?

4 Step Strategy to Find Main Idea

  • Read the entire selection
  • Re-Read the first and last sentences of each paragraph.
  • Re-Read the passage and try to identify what point the author is trying to make.
  • Re-read the title of the selection.
Photo by AbsolutVision

Clue: Do the details in the passage support your prediction of the main idea? If not, you've got the wrong one!

Photo by akahawkeyefan

Interrogative Sentence

Asks something. It ends with a question mark. 

Exclamatory Sentence

Shows strong feeling! Ends with an exclamation point.
Photo by mdanys

Imperative Sentence

Commands someone to do something. It usually ends with a period. 
Photo by VTCarter

Identify Each Sentence

  • Peter Pan protected a group of young orphans.
  • Did he protect them?
  • How mean Captain Hook and his pirates were!
  • Watch carefully for pirate ships on the horizon.
  • How did Peter Pan learn to fly ?

Sentences & Sentence Fragments

Photo by bibendum84


Tells us who or what the sentence is about. 
Photo by Leo Reynolds


What is the subject doing? What does the have ? What is it like ?
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Sentence Fragment

  • Does not express a complete thought.
  • May also be missing a subject, predicate, or both.

Sentence Fragment Examples

  • Her Sister.
  • Wrote about her emotions.
  • Want to.
Photo by NeONBRAND

Sentence Fragment Examples

  • Her sister discovered the poems in her bureau.
  • This gifted poet wrote about wrote about her emotions.
  • I want to see the Christmas show.

Correcting Sentence Fragments

  • Emily Dickinson author.
  • Lived from 1830 to 1886.
  • With clarity and style.
  • Tchalla said.
  • Saw the movie.

Unit 1: Parts of a Story

Plot, setting, character, conflict

Academic Vocab to Know

  • Setting
  • Character
  • Plot
  • Conflict
  • Summary
  • Main Idea
Photo by mikecogh

Academic Vocab to Know

  • Exposition
  • Rising Action
  • Climax
  • Falling Action
  • Resolution
Photo by mikecogh

Setting - The time and place of the action.

Photo by Trey Ratcliff

Characters -
Major vs Minor Characters. What's the difference ?

Conflict - the problem or struggle that
a character faces in a story.

Plot - Series of events in a story.

1. Exposition, 2. Rising Action, 3. Climax, 4. Falling Action, 5. Resolution
Photo by Luigi_Alesi

Summary - a brief statement or restatement of main points, especially as a conclusion to a work

Photo by haagenjerrys

Main Idea - What's the point anyway?

Photo by Adi Goldstein

Main Idea - It is the main point of the paragraph/story. It is the most important thought about the topic.

Photo by Adi Goldstein

Finding Subjects

Finding Subjects

  • Most statements begin with the subject.
  • Others may begin with part or all of the predicate like a question.
  • Others may have "inverted word order" in which predicate comes before the subject.
  • Requests/Commands - 'You' as the understood Subject

Tips to Find the Subject

  • Rearrange words to form a statement.

Finding the Subject

  • Daniel Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe.
  • Did Defoe write the book?
  • Across the beach walked Jack.
  • (You) Read a chapter tonight.

Find the Subject

  • Did a parrot learn English from Robinson ?
  • Many years passed before Robinson's rescue.
  • Did the time pass slowly without a clock ?

Find the Subject

  • Robinson explored every part of the island.
  • Read the last chapter for homework.
  • Imagine having to survive by your wits.

Dara E

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