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Creative Commons

Published on May 10, 2017

For FRIT 7335


Creative Commons

By Tom Harnden
Photo by marfis75

Q: What is Creative Commons?
A: They are an American non-Profit Organization

Q: What do the do?
A: They provide the legal means for individuals and organization to share unique ideas and work to prompt the production of of even more knowledge and creativity

Q: How do they do this?
A: They provide various types of free to low cost licensing such as Attribution, ShareAlike, NonCommercial, and NoDerivatives

How does Creative Commons relate to Copyright and Fair Use?

Anything tangible created by an individual is protected by copyright laws and cannot be used or manipulated for personal gain without risking infringement. Exceptions: Education, News and Reporting, Criticism and Comment

Creative commons is a means to facilitate the sharing of copyrighted materials by offering various licenses, each unique to what can be done with the copyrighted material as well as the various ways in which that material will be used.


  • Find the author/creator of the source you wish to use
  • Consult with Creative Commons
  • Cite the source

In sum, be conscious of copyright law as well as creative common licensing BUT have FUN and be IMAGINATIVE!